Is your heating and cooling system on its last legs or in constant need of repair? Is it coming up on 15-20 years of service? Are you about to make major modifications/additions to your home and need a bigger system? Are you moving into a different home that has an older HVAC system?

If you answer in the affirmative for any of these questions, then yes, it is probably time to consider HVAC replacement.

Once you determine that outcome the real work begins. It starts by doing some research in order to find the system that guarantees comfort by delivering quality air conditioning and heat, combined with an energy efficient price point and reliability.

With that in mind, Zone offers installation of a wide range of heating and cooling systems technology from Carrier.

For more than 100 years, Carrier products have built a reputation for dependability. In fact, company founder, Willis Carrier, is known as the “father of air conditioning,” after inventing the modern air conditioner in 1902, a moment that revolutionized not just an industry but our entire nation, as indoor air quality changed forever.

Since that time, Carrier has consistently produced the best in HVAC replacement as well as parts and equipment, also including top-of-the-line air conditioners, heat pumps and gas furnaces. And, for more than two decades, Zone has installed these parts for grateful homeowners throughout north Georgia and metro Atlanta.


Air Conditioners

Carrier air conditioners utilize a two-stage compressor system to regulate the speed and temperature of the airflow through any type of structure. Their air conditioners also use Puron refrigerant, which not only cools, but also reduces humidity. This provides better comfort for your living space. Humidity is further mitigated by two-stage compressors, which run longer and at slower speeds – instead of at higher-levels over shorter times, which is more typical in the industry.

In other words, Carrier air conditioners guarantee a consistent delivery of cool, refreshing, quality air. That also goes for the company’s ductless systems, which can fill a wide range of needs and be adapted to individual comfort requirements.

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Heat Pumps and Furnaces

Carrier heating, whether it be a gas furnace, heat pump or otherwise, will keep you in full comfort no matter the depths of winter.

In fact, Carrier offers cutting-edge geothermal heat pumps that utilize the earth’s thermal energy to provide energy-efficient and environmentally conscious heat.

Should you choose a gas furnace, Carrier design incorporates variable-speed blowers, which reduces the amount of energy expended while transporting heat through the ventilation system. That means that the furnace captures more of the heat generated by burning natural gas, delivering warmer air but burning less fuel. Carrier heat pumps also maximize efficiency.


All of Carrier’s central air conditioner units are Energy Star qualified, which means most meet the Environmental Protection Agency’s criteria for superior energy consumption. Buying an Energy Star-qualified unit will help save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint. That includes providing a SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) rating greater than 15. Carrier central air conditioners have efficiency ratings ranging from 13 to 21 SEER (efficiency increasing with the number). The average rating across Carrier’s offerings is 16.7 SEER.

Carrier also helps ensure a long life from their units by protecting their air conditioners with a powder-coated galvanized steel and a louvered coil guard – a combination the company calls WeatherArmor Ultra. This effectively seals out the elements year-round and protects the functionality of the equipment.

Carrier also provides a strong, 10-year warranty on all of their compressors – a warranty that also covers all other parts for 10 years.

Quality and energy efficiency are trademarks of this brand. But while those two basic standards should form the bulk of your research when trying to choose any HVAC replacement system, there are also plenty of other facets to weigh in the process of your search for home or business comfort.


When it comes to ease of use, Carrier thermostats are simple and intuitive, allowing anyone to control air flow thoroughly, setting different temperatures for different days or times of day.

Several Carrier units also come with Infinity Touch Control, which is an app you can install on your tablet, smartphone or computer that syncs with the thermostat on your wall. This allows you to control the temperature in your home from anywhere.


When it comes to noise production, Carrier is one of the quieter brands available on the market. With an average sound output of 71.5 decibels, Carrier will keep you in comfort without you ever really realizing it. Carrier also offers an air conditioner that operates at whisper-quiet 56 decibels – far below the industry standard.


Carrier requires all of its installing partners to be specially trained by Carrier itself. That means, as a factory-certified dealer of Carrier heating and cooling products Zone technicians are experts on every inch of all Carrier systems.

So, no matter what your situation, we will be able to provide you with the best heating and cooling solutions. And should something happen to the system, we will be on hand to put it back right as soon as possible.

If you are looking to choose the best choice for home comfort – whether it be air conditioning, gas furnace or heat pump – we suggest you take a close look at Carrier and Zone. They are a winning combination, no matter the weather in north Georgia. If you are interested in Carrier for a HVAC replacement or want to learn more, simply call us today at 770-904-5432.